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Will Nicotine get detected in a 10-panel drug test?


A 10-panel drug test cannot possibly identify the cotinine (nicotine’s main breakdown product) traces in your body. But a blood test or urine test in a lab might identify your tobacco usage easily. You need not panic. The traces may not stay in your system for more than 1 to 3 days if you are an occasional user. If you are a regular tobacco user, you will have to read this blog to know more about nicotine abuse and how to get past this and pass your drug test.

When and why are Nicotine tests ordered?

  1. Court-ordered child custody case.
  2. Applying for insurance — Health
  3. Before surgeries
  4. Nicotine overdose suspicion by doctors
  5. Employment drug test.

What does the nicotine test look for?

How long can Nicotine stay in your system?

Urine drug tests — 4 days to 3 weeks from your last exposure. If you get into secondhand smoke, there are chances that nicotine may stay in your urine longer.

Blood test — 1 to 10 days from your last usage.

Saliva drug tests — Nearly 4 to 7 days from the last usage.

Hair follicle drug test — up to 90 days from your last exposure.

Final words

Originally published at on October 8, 2021.


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