What is Faint Line?
A faint line on a drug test is considered a NEGATIVE TEST RESULT, which means the test has not detected any trace of that particular substance.
The most commonly used among various methods of drug testing is the urine drug test since it is quick, cost efficient and accurate. Urine drug test is employed to detect the presence of certain illegal drugs and prescription medications (cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, PCP, methadone, opioids and many others).
The most widely used bioanalytical method is the instant immunoassay, which is quick and accurate to detect specific molecules. Immunoassay detects how the drug interacts with the body’s immune system and its ability to form antigen-antibody complexes, but does not measure the drug quantity. For example, immunoassay may not detect all opioids, but can give false positives even though there has been no drug use.
The rapid immunoassay works based on the predetermined cut-off levels to detect substances. Drug testing kits use rapid immunoassay method to give positive or negative results based on the concentration of a substance in the human urine.
- Negative Result = Does not match the cutoff concentration levels
- Positive Result = Exceeds the cutoff concentration levels
What does a faint line on drug test mean?
Faint lines are very common on drug tests regardless of screening method being employed. It is significant to understand the interpretation of drug test results (including faint lines) to make a confident decision.
On the drug test, results don’t vary based on the intensity of the colored lines. Even a faint line in the Test Region is considered as a NEGATIVE TEST RESULT, which means the test has not detected any trace of that particular substance.
When reading the test results, a control line at the top of the drug test strip is seen within the device and a test line below which is present for corresponding drugs tested. If the specimen is contaminated or adulterated, the control line will not form. In the case of positive test result, the test line will be absent for the corresponding drug being tested. This is because the substance has bound itself to the chemistry within the test and prevented the formation of lines.
Does a faint line mean presence of drug in the urine?
It is not necessary that the donor has never used any of the drugs being screened for. If the preliminary drug test result is negative, it means that the drug metabolites in the donor’s system did not meet or exceed the cutoff concentration levels.
For a positive drug test, certain amounts of metabolites are required for the reaction to take place with the inbuilt test strip reagents.
The detection window may vary for different drugs and factors such as height, weight, age, gender, drug purity, drug dose and length of use may also play a vital role in the detection of drugs in the urine sample.
Is a faint line on a drug test still negative?
The intensity of the line in the test region must be considered negative regardless of the faintness of the line. The color or density of the line has no significance and the line density variations do not indicate drug traces in faint or lighter lines.
Drug tests do not measure the drug quantity, but only suggests if corresponding drug is present or absent in the specimen provided.
The instant drug tests are designed for easy interpretation and rapid test. The iCup test and saliva drug tests consists of built-in strips that react with the drug metabolites in the collected sample. The presence of the control line is to indicate that the test device is functioning properly and the presence of the test line indicates absence of drugs in the sample. If there is a faint line in the test region, then it is considered as a negative test result. Thus, line density whether dark or light in the test region (T) of the strip is referred to as a negative test.
To continue read about causes a faint line on the drug test.

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