Drinking alcohol, also named ethanol or ethyl alcohol, is made through the fermentation process. Grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar are fermented to extract and prepare alcoholic beverages. This process will determine the strength of the alcohol. Alcohol is consumed widely for various purposes, including medicinal purposes. According to a trusted source, people who consume a small amount of alcohol occasionally have a slight effect of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc.
Alcohol abuse is the excess intake of alcohol that can lead to deteriorating symptoms and further lead to addiction. According to trusted sources, nearly 95,000 people die due to alcohol addiction every year in the United States. Considering the fact, the U.S. government had included alcohol in Schedule I drugs under the Controlled Substances Act.
What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?
When alcohol gets into your metabolism, your body will convert it into a metabolite of ethanol, called Ethyl Glucuronide (ETG). It gets into your bloodstream rapidly and travels to every part of your body. The liver will break down most of the alcohol, and a small amount of alcohol will leave the system through skin, breath, and urine. During a drug test, it is possible that you can detect the presence of alcohol in a person’s urine up to 80 hours from the last consumption.
Symptoms of alcohol consumption
- Confusions
- Mumbled Speech
- Tetraplegia or Paraplegia ( Motor ineffectiveness)
- Reduction in inhibitions.
- Memory loss ( Temporary or permanent)
- Impossible to concentrate.
- Coma
- Difficulty in breathing
- Death
Alcohol Abuse Effects
Alcohol abuse has threatening consequences and effects on you and society.
- Child abuse — There are many prevalent cases of child abuse due to alcohol abuse. Child abuse includes child neglect, child endangerment, and physical or psychological maltreatment or molestation of the child. If CPS takes up the child abuse case and proves it in the juvenile court, there are chances that you may lose your child custody.
- Pregnancy and drug abuse — Drug abuse during pregnancy is not considered a crime in many states. But it is regarded as child abuse. Alcohol has an immediate effect on your body and can enter your child’s body during pregnancy. The health worker will use the umbilical cord or meconium tissue to test for alcohol during childbirth.
- Employment — You may not get hired or lose your job as an employee if the employer finds out about alcohol abuse through urine drug testing.
- Probation — There are meager chances that you might get your probation if you violate the principles of alcohol abuse. The probation officer may report your abuse to the court, leading to the extension of your jail time.
Detection of Alcohol
Amount of intake (ng/mL) — Detection time
Greater than 300 ng/mL (Urine) — 80 to 90 hours
Less than 50 ng/mL ( Saliva) — Not assigned
Alcohol may remain in your system even if you think it has worn off because it stays detectable several days after last consumption. The standard procedure of detecting alcohol is a blood test where the tester can detect the levels of ETG to identify alcohol abuse. Nowadays, employers prefer urine drug tests or breath tests to detect alcohol usage.

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